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    seen with TiteL allows you improve your contents visibility by generating SEO friendly titles for your content.

    Get started
    1. Step 1Sign up for an accountTakes less than a minute!
    2. Step 2Select your style of textChoose between news Article, blog post, substack, or video script.
    3. Step 3Start generating titlesPaste in your text. It's that simple. Try out TiteL today.

    Discover the impact of well-crafted SEO titles on your content's performance

    300% more engagement

    20% higher CTR

    3x more impact

    Rules we follow for effective SEO Titles

    We create SEO-optimized titles that attract clicks and boost your rankings.

    Use keywords

    Incorporating relevant keywords naturally to help search engines understand your content.

    Keep it concise

    Ensuring your titles are concise, ideally under 60 characters, to avoid being cut off in search results.

    Make it engaging

    Crafting engaging titles that prompt users to click by sparking curiosity or addressing a need.

    Use numbers

    Including numbers in titles can make them more attractive and clear to readers.

    Add power words

    Using power words to make your titles more compelling.

    Test and iterate

    Experimenting with different titles to see what works best for your audience and improves your SEO.